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Installation - IDL version

The IDL version of the WaLSAtools package requires the Interactive Data Language (IDL). The package has primarily been tested with IDL version 8.5 and later, but should work with earlier versions as well. The package includes all third-party dependencies, so no other libraries are required.

Installation with Git

The preferred method for installing WaLSAtools is through Git. This allows you to easily update to the latest version and track changes.

  1. Clone the WaLSAtools repository from GitHub:
git clone
  1. Add the WaLSAtools directory to your IDL path by navigating to the idl directory, starting IDL and running:

See Setting your IDL PATH for further instructions.

To update an existing installation to the latest version, navigate to the WaLSAtools directory in your terminal and run:

git pull

Installation via Direct Download

Alternatively, you can download the WaLSAtools package as a zip file. After downloading, extract the contents of the zip file to a location of your choice and add that location to your IDL path (by simply navigating to the idl directory, starting IDL and running .run



Add WaLSAtools to your IDL PATH.

Verifying the Installation

To verify that WaLSAtools is installed correctly, start IDL and run the following command (preferably, anywhere outside the WaLSAtools directory):

IDL> WaLSAtools, /version

This should print the WaLSAtools version and a brief overview of its functionalities:

% Compiled module: WALSATOOLS.

    __          __          _          _____
    \ \        / /         | |        / ____|     /\
     \ \  /\  / /  ▄▄▄▄▄   | |       | (___      /  \
      \ \/  \/ /   ▀▀▀▀██  | |        \___ \    / /\ \
       \  /\  /   ▄██▀▀██  | |____    ____) |  / ____ \
        \/  \/    ▀██▄▄██  |______|  |_____/  /_/    \_\

  © WaLSA Team (
  WaLSAtools v1.0
  GitHub repository:
  Performing various wave analysis techniques on
  (a) Single time series (1D signal or [x,y,t] cube)
      (1) 1D analysis with: FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), Wavelet,
                            Lomb-Scargle, or HHT (Hilbert-Huang Transform)
      (2) 3D analysis: k-ω (with optional Fourier filtering) or B-ω diagrams

  (b) Two time series (cross correlations between two signals)
      With: FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), Wavelet,
            Lomb-Scargle, or HHT (Hilbert-Huang Transform)


If you encounter any problems during the installation process, please refer to the Troubleshooting section for common issues and solutions.